Des Johnston School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences Heriot-Watt University Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS Scotland Email: D.A.Johnston -at- Office: CMS.04 Phone: +44 (0)131 4513255 Fax: +44 (0)131 4513249 Anti-Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin e-prints: ArXiv, PURE Bibliometrics: Google Scholar, Scopus, Mendeley, INSPIRE, ORCID, ResearchGate, Publons, ReseacherID History: Maths department history Once upon a time there was a nicer looking page but then all the style sheets got broken, so this is just an ugly page of lists on a pale grey background. However, you are a click away from a (slightly) better typeset Academic CV or from a (slightly) more professional looking website, c/o Google Sites. |
2017 vintage pic A better likeness? |
(Fairly) Current Research Interests: 3D Plaquette Ising Model, Fractons etc
(Fairly) Recent Papers
Sofa Seminar Videos - Slides+Narration Recorded during the COVID-19 lockdown, largely to experiment with recording on various platforms.Macos: cmd-shift-5 does the trick, gives a .mov which can be transcoded to mp4. Linux/Chrome OS: Screencastify Chrome extension (you pay for some features), records to webm and can export to mp4. I had sound issues with other possible solutions in Linux, YMMV.
(Fairly) Recent Research Talks/Posters
1984 vintage pic PhD Era Research Interests: Nielsen Identities etc The framework for understanding particle physics over the past decades has been that of gauge symmetry. The Standard Model in particle physics was constructed by bolting together gauge theories for electromagnetism and the Strong and Weak interactions, with the essential additional ingredient of the Higgs Boson to generate mass while preserving the gauge symmetries. The mechanism for such mass generation is spontaneous symmetry breaking, where the vacuum solutions of the theory have less symmetry than the Lagrangian describing the theory. |
Some Associated Published Papers
What a preprint (my first...) used to look like in those prehistoric days before TeX (1984): Nielsen Identities in the 't Hooft Gauge
Heriot-Watt Lectures Heriot-Watt maths courses:
Maths Masterclass (schools talk):
AIMS Lectures AIMS Ghana course:
AIMS South Africa course:
AIMS Senegal course: