Robert Weston's Publications

Cyclic Representations of $U_q(\widehat{sl_2})$ and its Borel subalgebras at roots of unity and Q-operators

(2024) arXiv:2412.14811

A Q-Operator for Open Spin Chains II: Boundary Factorization

Comm. Math. Phys. 405,110 (2024) arXiv:2301:03997

A Q-Operator for Open Spin Chains I: Baxter's TQ Relations

Journal of Physics 53, 245205 (2020) arXiv:2001:10760

Combinatorial solutions to the reflection equation

Journal of Algebra 549, p. 268-290 (2020) arXiv:1810.03341

Lattice Supersymmetry in the Open XXZ Model: An Algebraic Bethe Ansatz Analysis

JSTAT (2017) 123104 arXiv:1709.00442

Conserved Currents in the Six-Vertex and Trigonometric Solid-On-Solid Models

J. Phys.A: Math. Theor. 50, 164003 (31pp) (2017) arXiv:1612.03666

Theta function solutions of the qKZB equation for a face model

J. Phys.A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016) 064001 arXiv:1509.04594

Discrete Holomorphicity in the Chrial Potts Model

J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 294001 arXiv:1502.04944

Discrete Holomorphicity and Quantized Affine Algebras

J. Phys.A:Math. Theor. 46 (2013) 265205, arxiv:1302.4649

Exact and Scaling Form of the Bipartite Fidelity of the Infinite XXZ Chain

JSTAT L04001 (2012), arxiv:1203.2326

Exact Form-Factor Results for the Longitudinal Structure Factor of the Massless XXZ Model in Zero Field

JSTAT P01007 (2012)

Correlation Functions and the Boundary qKZ Equation in a Fractured XXZ Chain

JSTAT P12002 (2011)

Tracking the effects of interactions in gapless Heisenberg chains

Physical Review Letters 106, 217203 (2011)

An Algebraic Setting for Defects in the XXZ and Sine-Gordon Models

arXiv:1006 (2010)

Quantum Integrability in the Lab

JSTAT N11001 (2008)

PT Symmetry on the Lattice: The Quantum Group Invariant XXZ Spin-Chain

J. Phys. A: 40, 8845-8872 (2007), math-ph/0703085

The Entanglement Entropy of Solvable Lattice Models

JSTAT L03002 (2006), math-ph/0601038

 The Vertex-Face Correspondence and Correlation Functions of

Elliptic Vertex Models I: The General Formalism

Nucl. Phys. B 720 [FS] 348-398 (2005), math.QA/0504433
