Actuarial Mathematics Group

Funded PhD Studentship in Modelling Mortality, Morbidity, Longevity and Critical Diseases

We invite applications for a 4 year PhD studentship to study stochastic models for Mortality, Morbidity, Longevity and Critical Diseases.
(Further information)


The outstanding international reputation of the Department was acknowledged with the award of a grade 5 (within the subject area of Statistics and OR) in the 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercise. This places the Department amongst the leading centres of research in the UK in the broad field of Statistics and Operational Research. In Scotland only one statistics group achieved this grade with a larger number of research active staff.

Of particular note, the 2001 award identified the group as the leading centre of research in actuarial mathematics in the UK: no other university department in the UK with an active actuarial research group achieved such a high grade.

2005 saw the creation of the Maxwell Institute, a collaboration between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh resulting in one of the largest grouping in mathematical sciences in the UK. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise confirmed the excellence and volume of international-quality research.

Members of the group


Former members include David Bowie, Mary Hardy, David Dickson, John McCutcheon, Alfred Mueller, Tom Fischer, John Pollock, Delme Pritchard, Ken Siu, Cliff Speed, Chessman Wekwete, Mark Willder and Julia Wirch.

Research in actuarial mathematics

Genetics and insurance

Stochastic mortality models and longevity risk

Mortality and morbidity studies

Risk theory

Life insurance

Stochastic asset models

Finance and insurance



The group has an active seminar series with a mixture of internal and external speakers. This forms part of the larger departmental seminar programme.

Bonds Database

David Wilkie and Andrew Cairns have built up a substantial database for UK government bonds with financial support from Institute of Actuaries. This includes prices, amounts in issue, index values and details of each security in issue. The database will be updated on a regular basis.

Selected publications and preprints

For recent papers please see the individual group members' web pages. Selected publications not online elsewhere are given below.
  • Wilkie, A.D. (1995) More on a stochastic asset model for actuarial use. British Actuarial Journal, 1: 777-964. (PDF - 7.8Mb !)

    Books, PhD's etc.

    Conference and other working papers

    Page maintained by Andrew Cairns, Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
    e-mail: A.